
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Peter..not the cottontail variety

I have been enjoying reading the Bible passages about the Resurrection this week. We should think about it all year long but the flesh is weak so it's nice to have the reminder on the calendar to think about Jesus, his love for us, and his sacrifice...and of course his victory over sin & death! Every time I read the scripture about the crucifixion and resurrection I come away with something new. It's just so rich and filled with goodness.

 This year, I thought a lot about Peter. You know...St. Peter? Peter said that Jesus was son of the living God and Jesus said the church would be built on that kind of faith (Matthew 16:17).

But ya know what...Peter wasn't perfect!

He fell asleep on Jesus when Jesus said he needed him the most (Matthew 26:40).

He denied even knowing Jesus three times (John 18:15-27).

His faith shook even as he walked on water toward him (Matthew 14:31).

And yet this is the Peter who Jesus loved dearly and even gave the keys to the kingdom of Heaven to! (Matthew 16:19). This is the same Peter who went on to tell many others about Jesus and even perform miracles in the name of God (Acts 9:6-43). God used imperfect Peter to do so many wonderful things.

I know that just like Peter, I screw up. I make mistakes. I have moments of weakness. Heck, I had one even this morning within 10 minutes of getting out of church. My comfort is knowing that just like Peter, God can love me if I'm imperfect. He can use me to do His will even in my weakness and imperfection.  You know what else... I don't have to be perfect to be FORGIVEN. I just need faith in the One who was.

 Happy Easter to you all!


  1. What awesome insight, Mary! God is speaking to you through these scriptures and through the life of Peter. I pray that this seed will continue to grow and bloom in your heart so that the seeds which you have so generously and eloquently sewn will grow in your home and bloom out into the street... I have already experienced the fragrance of this grace... Beauty in love...

  2. Te deseo tambiƩn una feliz pascua

  3. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your heart!

  4. Great post, thanks! We all need to be reminded, with frequency, of just what God had done for us 'imperfect' people. Thanks again.


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