
Monday, March 18, 2013

making the move...

After google dumped piknik, I've been a little lost with photo editing.   I decided with Google Reader shutting down, I would just go ahead and make the move to another feed reader before crunch time.  I chose bloglovin.

Follow on Bloglovin

Just click the link if you would like to follow The Tulip Patch on BlogLovin'...and if you sign up for an account they have a very easy way to import your entire google reader.  I really like the setup..much easier to follow and unfollow.  Give it a try...I think you'll like it!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. I've been following you for ages on Bloglovin; works great for me.

    I do my photo editing in PicMonkey - easy as pie.

  2. I was just going to suggest the same as Sequana...PicMonkey is wonderful; better than Picnik and just as easy to use. You'll love it!

  3. I just transferred to Bloglovin....who knew it would be THAT easy. And that is coming from someone who still doesn't even GET how the internet works (G)!!! XXXX

  4. Mary - my cousin was devastated when picnik went away, she just posted something about she said it's picnik under a new name :) I hope that helps you :) I'm using bloglovin.

  5. I used to use Picnik too. Very sad when it went away but now I flop between PicMonkey and Picasa. Picasa is the one I use most of the time.


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