
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Charlie Brown Quiltalong Part 2: The cutting

Sneak Peek of the finished quiltalong quilt!

If you are joining me for the Charlie Brown Quiltalong, we begin cutting today!  If you would like to join us, then here is the supply list.

This is a very simple quilt that creates a lot of smiles so I'd like to make this a beginner friendly quiltalong.  I'm happy to answer any questions you have.  Usually I respond directly to questions in emails, but because someone else might be thinking the exact thing you are, I will respond to questions about the quiltalong directly in the comments section.  I am going to be posting how I do some basic things like making half square triangles or basting.  If you know of a better tutorial for one of these things or if you have tips to add, please do so in the comments.  Everything I do at this point is a mashup of different tutorials...I just pick and choose what I like from each one.  I'm always up for learning something new!

Let's begin.
3 yards background & binding fabric- Mine is Kona Canary
1 yard zigzag fabric: Mine is Kona Black
backing fabric: twin size bedsheet  (polycotton is fine if you are using a Peanuts sheet) OR 3 3/8 yds fabric
Batting for a 55 x 70 quilt (approximately)
From your 3 yard cut of background fabric, measure in 60".  Make a notch w/ scissors and tear OR cut from selvage to selvage.  You will now have 2 large sections:
60" long x WOF
48" long X WOF

I've chosen to leave the selvages on at this point...they will be trimmed after the top is made.  We're going to use them to make sure our fabric is turned correctly.

Take your 60"xWOF  piece and cut it into two pieces PARALLEL to the selvage about 18" in.  This will yield 2 sections that measure 18"x 60" and 24ish inches x 60".  Exact measurements are not required.  Put these 2 pieces aside in a safe place.

At this point you can remove selvages if you want to.  Take your 48"xWOF section of background fabric and your zigzag fabric and cut the following:
6 9.5" black squares
6 10.5" black squares
6 10.5" yellow squares.

You can make your binding using the leftover yellow fabric.  I use a 2.25" binding but you can also use a 2.5" binding.  I recently learned that 2.25" bindings are what is considered "correct" for quilt shows and competitions and while I don't anticipate winning/entering a quilt show, I've made the switch.  Hey, why not save fabric?


6 9.5" black squares
6 10.5" black squares
6 10.5" yellow squares.
binding strips (yellow)
18"x60" yellow section
24ish"x60" yellow section

Next Post: Making Half Square Triangles!
We will link up our progress on March 15.
By the way, it is my 3 year quilt-aversary!


  1. oh my, i think I am already behind.. I want some of that kona canary you have.. Where did you get that? I may not get to cut until this weekend... will you let me get caught up?

  2. Kona canary was found at hobby lobby. Do not feel pressure to keep up w anyone else. I will be posting a step daily til march 4. After that I will have all the post links in my sidebar to work at your own pace. This is just 20 blocks- 12 hst,2 big hunks, and 6 squares. Easy peasy you can do it!

  3. I am just getting back after being sick...and both boys sick...and hubby sick now...and a friend passing away suddenly...

    I have a ton of ministry quilts that I have to wrap up now before I can start. But, don't worry as you know I am looking forward to this so much. I was really bummed about not starting and all the other quilt demands getting in the way...then a blog friend gave me an idea on how to balance things out. Hopefully I can do that starting in April. Balancing things means making something for me. Like this quilt!! As I make it I will blog each step and link it back. Thanks so much!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment!