These things were languishing away in a drawer and I needed a quick dresser scarf for my sewing area so I turned it into a table runner.
I took some serious shortcuts...machine binding and actually zigzagging a few hexes together instead of hand attaching. I'm not even ashamed about it- I'm just glad it's done now. I like it but I am gonna be a lot more careful about starting a trendy project in the future. It wasn't enjoyable to do. Have you ever started a trendy project and regretted it?

YES!! I started a hexie quilt too. And gave up completely on it. It wasn't for me. I might use a few hexies on some small projects but it just is not my thing.
ReplyDeleteI also don't like BOM's. BOM's are a huge thing in blogland and I have a ton on my sidebar but I am downloading them all to work on one at a time. I just don't like having all that unfinished work! I am offering a quiltalong next month on my be done all in a month. You did your Peanuts one just right!
I think what you did was great. You have a lovely finished item and you no longer have pieces languishing in a drawer.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind having pieces languishing in my drawer, as I tend to have a few projects on the go at once (sewing is my hobby and I'm a beginner so everything takes a while. I don't like it to turn into work so if I get bored on a project I move on to something new for a while) but I also tend to start trendy projects WAY after everyone else has moved on, I only started making my first hexie project this week :) I like picking at it, but there's no way I will be making a quilt like this!
ReplyDeleteThat is why I've enjoyed doing mini swaps so much. I can try something new on a small scale and see if I really like it.
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, I too have a few projects that I started and have yet to finish because I lost steam. It's all good though. You have to find out some how what you don't enjoy...that's what makes you, you.
started a trendy project? yep, 2 of them as a matter of fact. the first one was a class on learning how to machine piece curved pieces, and the second one was learning applique. I still admire both techniques, but from afar, lol.
ReplyDeleteHaha...I laughed at this post. So true on seeing something on a blog (or 100 blogs) and jumping on the bandwagon. The hexies are one I've resisted, even though I love the look. I knew I would hate it about 30 hexs into the project. Your table runner is gorgeous and a GREAT compromise. Good job!
ReplyDeleteLol! I started a hexie project last summer too, and have yet to finish it. I haven't totally abandoned it, but it is starting to feel neglected. Hopefully this summer I will finish. Love the 'color scheme du jour' - I wonder what it will be this year?
ReplyDeleteYou may not have enjoyed it but your table runner sure is cute!
ReplyDeleteI'm so over little hexies. I don't hand sew much, so I was never really tempted to try these. I regretted a spider web quilt I finished a few months ago. Although I LOVE it all finished, I hated that thing about half-way through. It was exhausting. I'm with Cindy - mini quilts are my new favorite project.