
Thursday, July 25, 2013

summertime blues.


My old enemy.

I have been plugging along trying to get through the summer.  With 3 kids home all day, a new puppy for my husband (that of course *I* get to potty train during the day), and the blazing heat/humidity of south Texas, I felt very overwhelmed.  Zero energy.  Zero sewing.  And that's ok.  HOW do people do it?

 My last project was this lattice quilts made of scraps and a $2/yard solid I got when the quilt shop closed.  I didn't even take a finished picture, that's how rushed I was!

  I also taught a beginner quilting class to a group of ladies at my church (5 total, 3 pictured) along with the help of a dear friend/fellow quilter.  They were great and I looked forward to seeing them every week.  I am considering a 2nd class but if we have new people come I don't want to start from scratch.  Ideas welcome.

My sister flew in and transformed into Auntie McPhee and made my kids pick up after themselves and generally helped me get back on track.  It was good for my soul, and so I have been able to work on a baby quilt some.  Hopefully I can share that next time with you all, whenever that is!


  1. Mary, I'm right there with you. Three boys plus Summertime equals not much sewing time. And I still have one that is two years away from starting school. Your quilt turned out cute! Have a super day!

  2. Okay, the quilt is cute, but oh what a wonderful puppy. Bring him here and I'll train him. On second thought......

  3. Hahaha I love Nanny McPhee! The second one is just as fun as the first! I feel ya on not wanting to do anything in the summer. However we have had some unseasonably cool days this summer!

  4. What a cute little pup!
    My time goes to work and if I get on the computer I'm sunk. I read more about creativity than actually being creative.

  5. ack! your husband's dog is SO cute! the lattice quilt is gorgeous! I understand about the heat - look forward to RAIN and COOL Weather again!


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