
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Have you seen this missing quilt?

I know this is a long shot, but one of my quilts has gone missing while it was not in my care and I would desperately like to be reunited with it. I poured a lot of love into this one and was planning on saving it for future grandchildren.  

 If you have seen it, please let me know.  If you have it, please contact me for my address and you can ship it back to me with postage due upon questions asked.   I don't have facebook or twitter so if you can spread the word for me, I would very much appreciate it!!!


  1. No, I haven't. But I feel for you, and hope it turns up.

  2. Hope you find it. Wasn't this in a quilt magazine? I remember wanting to make this. Add it to the 'Lost quilts come home' website, get the word out, and good luck.

  3. Well that sucks. I hope you find it soon.

  4. I'll put a link to this post up on FB and ask everyone to share, Mary. I hope it turns up!

  5. I do hope you can find your missing quilt....

  6. Geeze, I sure hope your quilt comes home soon. Did you lend it to a quilt store or something?

  7. Oh, that's so sad! I hope no one took it on purpose because really, who the heck takes a quilt??

    Jennifer :)

  8. It is so unique. Someone can't just get away with that. I hope.

  9. I am so sad for you. Isn't there a site for missing quilts? It seems to me that I have seen postings on such a site at one time. I wish I had a better memory. Good luck tracking this down. It is a beautiful quilt.

  10. Mary, I snarfed your photo and posted about it on my blog, hoping I'll have some readers who wouldn't otherwise know about it. So sorry yours has gone missing--I know the feeling, and it's not a pleasant one.

  11. The Quilter's cache site has a list of missing quilts, for one.

  12. I blogged about your missing quilt. I'm so sorry.

  13. So sorry about your missing quilt. Hope you find it.

  14. I found you (and this quilt) through McCall's Quick Quilts. They had it in one of their issues. Maybe they have it?

  15. Did you post about it on the Lost Quilt Come Home page.


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