
Monday, August 27, 2012

First day...

 You see these guys??
Today they take a big step...

They are going to kindergarten!

 There were times I didn't know if we would make it.

There were times I think they wondered, too...

 But to our great surprise we have!

 Through ordinary days...

And not so ordinary days.

I know they will both do great.

 It's those other 20 kids I should be worrying about.

Having twins has been the hardest thing I have ever done.  I have lost patience more than I wanted, grown weary, and felt like a failure more than I care to admit here.  When I think about those with a sick child and realize I have 3 healthy, happy children it overwhelms me with both joy and a great sense of unworthiness.  One of the biggest lessons I've learned is never judge a loving mom who's trying her best...and it's a lesson I hope they learned, too.  I love you H & J!!!


  1. Fasten your seat belt! The journey picks up speed enery moment from here out.

  2. I don't have twins, but know several sets. Being a parent is the hardest and most important job any of us will ever have. You have a double challenge, and you're doing great.

  3. I have twins too, and it is a challenge-a fun one, but a challenge none the less. Man, those early days were rough! My oldest just started kindergarten too, a little while more yet for our twins. Enjoy your new sewing time:)

  4. Aw. I think all three of you are going to love kindergarten!

  5. I just love you Marylane... have you thought about writing a book?

  6. My oldest started her sr year in high school! Just wait till they are there! It is a. Bittersweet kind of feeling!


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