
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An update on the update...

The cross still stands and a sign serves as a reminder from the Bible that the people are the church...and what they meet in is just a building.
Ok, now I have the picture situation figured out. (Thanks Sherry for your patience).  There are a lot of pictures but no more than your average tutorial so I think it should be ok as far as loading time.  It's important for people not there to see this from the eyes of someone who is there.  I think so many times our national media hops to the next big story.  As Willa said in an email, once Osama Bin Laden was killed this story was off the radar for the national media.  This is important and I want you guys to know that just because CNN might have moved on, I haven't.

That's a brick house up

This is my favorite.  She should enter this in a photography contest.  What a story it tells.

This is the other church near my brother's house and one wall remained standing and look at what it said:

Lemme repeat myself here:
The photographer who captured these images, Sherry Wilson Davis, said evidence of God's love and mercy is all around even in the midst of this destruction. She is an amazing photographer with an ability to really capture things whether it be a sweet smile, an emotion, an idea, or a moment.  Her facebook fan page is here.  If you live in in or around North Alabama, you should really check out having a session with her through her business, Sweetest Memories Photography.  She's a really sweet person who normally takes pictures of sweet children and families but was moved to capture the images going on around her (I think she thinks about photography as much as I think about quilting). 


  1. Mary, thank you for sharing these on your awesome blog! It really is hard to comprehend the destruction till you see it first hand or through pictures. Even in these times of heartache and despair, God speaks to us, as evidenced here...if we will look and listen ~

  2. Thank you for finding a way to fix the pictures. Thank you for posting them. Thank you for showing not only the destruction, but also the goodness of God in the midst of it.

  3. Oh. My. I just can't imagine. Thank you for sharing thses pictyres and the stories. Brings it home for me.

  4. WOW! Such devastation. The message on the church wall. When bin Laden was killed, all I wanted to hear about was how people were recovering from the storms. Prayers are still with all affected.

  5. It is amazing to see the dishes and the closet untouched! And that lady walking away. Is it just me, or has the last year been WAY worse than normal all over the world? Perhaps the end is getting nearer.


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