
Friday, May 20, 2011

Best thrift store find ever. EVER!

No, I didn't find that little patchwork in a thrift store.  I just made that out of scraps last night.  What is that white surface it's laying on?  Well I am so glad you asked...

I found THIS hoosier cabinet in the salvation army this week.  YES!  I have wanted one of these for over 10 years but I never thought I'd find one in my budget.  It all started on the last week of preschool...  I had no need to do anything but I wasn't about to waste my last week of freedom quality childcare on cleaning and grocery shopping.  I made the rounds at some thrift stores in another town over and I saw this beauty...the doors were covered in ugly 70s wallpaper and the knobs had been replaced with little rose knobs I didn't care for.  It was marked $225 and I asked the manager if she would take less.  She said "50 percent" and I could not pull my van to the back fast enough.  $112!
The enamel top had been covered in latex paint, but I poured a bottle of fingernail polish remover on it and started peeling.  Girl power!  Why would somebody cover white enamel in white paint???  I thought about refinishing this to the original Depression Green color, but that would involve at least 2 types of stripping agents and I'm not sure I'm that into it.  There is a label on the back that this was made by Marsh Furniture in High Point North Carolina and shipped to a furniture store in Baltimore, Maryland.  That's neat because my mother is from Maryland so this piece *could* have been her family's at one time.  Probably not, but let's daydream about it.
The top is now holding my stash...yardage and quilt tops are on the left.  The double section now holds my American Jane so I can look at it regularly along with the Kona Solids I won in the MQG Monochrome Challenge and the few quilting books I own.  I don't read a ton of books or blogs because I don't want to get too many ideas in there and unintentionally copy someone.
This is where the pots and lids would go.  Now I have scraps, basting supplies and patterns.  The narrow drawer above it holds my receipts and graph know, in case I ever actually come out AHEAD in this little venture of pattern selling!
I moved my junior chifferobe to my dining room.  I've always wanted a buffet in there to hold games and play dough so this will do.  It's fun to have it all in there right by the table & ready for action.  I have a huge closet downstairs they WERE in, but I don't like the kids going in there because of lots of wedding pictures and DVDs that they don't need to be touching or breaking.  My ritzy cracker quilt is up there being a table runner.  I would have never made that quilt in those fabrics had it not been for Moda Bakeshop, but I'm so glad I did.  I have such a disconnect between my quilts and the way my house is decorated.  I'd like to change that...just not sure if I want to make my house more vintagey or my quilts less vintagey.

We've got games in the drawers..the few we have kept up with all the pieces.  They love Don't Spill The Beans and Don't Break The Ice.  My oldest loves Trouble but he's super competitive.  He loves Monopoly but I don't have the attention span for that.  As a girl I hung my Sunday Dresses in the long part on the side and put my dress shoes in the bottom.  I remember it was always a struggle for my little hands to open that bottom drawer.  Chutex&Ladders and Candy Land are now in that drawer because I hate playing those 2 games.  BWA-HA-HA!!!!!! 
The long part of the chifferobe has a wicker dresser with Play doh and Zingo.  Zingo is my new favorite game to play with the kids.  It's like Bingo.  The twins love being the person who calls the Bingo Pieces.  We all love play doh.  I still remember my sister making me play doh babies to play with when I was little.  Good times.
And a slightly less fabulous thrift find...a $1 vintage apron.  I discovered I now have the reputation of being the girl at church who always has thread on her clothes.  Gotta fix that.  Then again, it's better to be described like that than "the chunky girl", right?


  1. Nice! What a great find! Good call on the stripping of paint - it always seems like a doable job and then turns into a "what the heck was I thinking?"

  2. Wow, that is gorgeous! You know how sometimes, when you're bored, you walk to the frdige and stand there with the door open? That's what I imagine when I see your pictures. Just standing there with the door open, looking at Kona solids and daydreaming.

    Great find!

  3. Good find!!! Woo hoo!!! I know you love it. It's beautiful.

  4. I have a hoosier too. My Aunt had tools and greasy car parts on it in the basement. She gave it to me for $0. She couldn't believe that I even wanted it. I painted it blue with blueberries on it to display my Salmon Falls Pottery. It is one of my favorite pieces of furniture in my house.
    You really got a steal:) It looks great!! My daughter would love one--someday.

  5. I love it! It looks really great, and the fabric is beautifully stored.

  6. Love this so much! And I love that you use it to store fabrics. Great find!

  7. Aren't thrift stores great! I spent all day Saturday at garage sales and thrift stores. I came away with a Treadle sewing machine cover made into a lidded box for $10 and a lovely crazy quilt for $4.50. I got a great baby quilt (made by a real quilter, not store bought) for 50 cents.

  8. It is so beautiful. So incredibly beautiful. Good for you.

  9. Total score!!!! I LOVE it. You did a fantastic job prettying it up. =) I love girlie stuff, but Sean and Kiernan would revolt if I put flower anything in the house. =)


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