
Friday, January 21, 2011

The Happy Place

This little wall hanging started as a quilt, but it was in my UFO pile for a couple of months. Time to move on! I don't hang on to WIPs...they have to get used up, donated, or thrown out. Too many unfinished things make me really overwhelmed and take the joy out quilting for me. I've been told this (among other things) means I am not a "real quilter." Whatever that means...that is probably a post for another day.

Anyway, It devolved into a sewing machine cover and then, upon looking really wonky due to my telescoping thread thingies, I decided just to make my favorite blocks into a wall hanging.

In my happy place we are always stocked on thread...


and American Jane! The jelly rolls really make me happy because I used the tiniest of scraps ...I feel so excited to be able to use those tiny scraps and preserve that fabric.

And can I just say I took this little ugly wicker dresser thingie and stuck it inside my child size chifferobe and started putting sewing sstuff in there.  It looks so organized...I am feeling like Martha when I open the doors up

Until my scrap pile brings me crashing back to reality...

Tricia from Notes of Sincerity nominated me as a Liebster blog...a blog she loves.  Awww...I love hearing from Tricia and reading her blog and I'm glad this blog is one of her "happy places".  Now I get to nominate 3 small bloggers that I love no repeaters from my last thingie! 
1. Planet Kendar - this belongs to a real life friend who had the audacity to move away and then have a baby.  THE NERVE!  At least she is blogging now so I feel I can keep up with her
2. The Other Side of Me She is a crafter & quilter who is very open about her faith- love that!
3. Molly's Cottage She is a military wife currently living in my home state, Alabama.  She has been on Moda Bakeshop and I was totally in love with her quilt design on there. 

Ok, All done. These things make me so nervous b/c I hate leaving people out.  Thanks Tricia!  Go check out those blogs!


  1. I am truly touched! I'm sure my faith is a turn off to some readers...but I cannot change who I am. Thank you for selecting my blog. I have been so blessed and inspired by yours and other quilter's blogs...and as this journey is just beginning for me, it means a lot to have found such wonderful online friends to learn with and enjoy creating with!

    BTW...I love your wall hanging! I have a book with a sewing machine block...I one day would LOVE to make something to hang that shows "me". I think the machine...some thread spools...who knows what else. =) Yours has inspired me...and that ruler caddy is amazing...I just need to find some ruler scraps. =)

    Have a great day...thanks for giving me a smile today!

  2. Mary, I love, love the quilt wall hanging! I think that is awesome! I want to do a quilt that looks like spools of thread, I think that will make me happy!!!! It truly looks like a happy place!

  3. You're so sweet, Mary! Thanks! And that wall hanging is adorable.

  4. Oh wow. I love that wall hanging. It says so much. Very good idea.


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